Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Skim or 2 %?

And the winner for most horrid dress ever is.....drumroll...Tilda Swinton! Now I know she didn't pick it, but it was still just so bad.

Okay, so we'll touch briefly on a new film in this post, Milk, starring Sean Penn and James Franco.

I saw Milk last week after Sean Penn won the Oscar. Since everybody thought that would go to Mickey Rourke (who was very good in The Wrestler) I thought it was time to stop putting off the film and go see it (now I have to stop putting off Frost/Nixon. Why is it so hard to make yourself go see the serious, good films?)

Anyway, Sean Penn definitely deserved the Oscar. Milk was a fabulous film, and he was wonderful in it. While it's hard bringing fictional characters to life on film, it has to be even harder to try and imitate and breath life into the film projection of a real person. Sean Penn was able to do that so well. He made you care deeply about this person who was basically a regular person trying to make a difference. There wasn't much special about him (no freakish talent) except that he was a kind, decent human being willing to stand up for what is right.

Now I've heard arguments that the award was just political since California just voted down gay marriage. All I have to say is I think this is baloney. Sean Penn deserved that award. When people say "the Oscar's are political" they don't mean that the people voting are voting on a candidate or film because of the way legislation goes through in the United States. When they say that in the film industry (or in things like student elections, church elections, etc.) what they mean is that there is more involved than who deserves it: who's more popular, who scratches whose back, etc.

Anyway, I loved this movie, and hope it does well, because I believe that it has one of the most important messages of any film this year. The script is very nice, and all the actors deserve kudos for their wonderful performances. I do recommend it because it is such a well made film, although it is also very sad.

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